Medically, Summer is doing fantastic! She now only has to go to her GI clinic appt. at Children's every 8 weeks! When she was a baby, we were there every week...this is a nice change :) At her most recent appt. at the beginning of Feb., Summer had gained well over a pound (she's now 24 lbs.6 ounces!), and had grown 3 centimeters. She is getting very tall and hard to carry. She still doesn't walk or crawl, so needless to say, our backs are feeling it. Summer's labs still continue to look great. Her liver function is great, and she is maintaining normal levels in all the areas they monitor. At this point, she is past the halfway mark for her predicted life expectancy! This prediction, of course, was made during her first bowel surgery at only 2 lbs. 11 ounces...they assumed she would be IV dependant, have all the side affects that would come from that, and need a bowel AND liver transplant. She is still NOT on the transplant list because her 10% she had left, is able to absorb enough nutrients to keep her growing, and still has NO sign of liver disease! Since she grew so much, the nutritionist also ok'd her to cut back on her feeding tube another two hours per day. She now has 8 hours off during the day, freeing her to try and be a little more mobile. She still doesn't consume food, but puts things in her mouth to taste them, and drinks water fairly well. Her gag reflex has gotten less sensitive, so I'm hoping she can start making progress in that department soon too...
Summer also had her first trip to the dentist yesterday. She did alot better than I thought she would :) Since she was born so premature, her teeth have grown in with very little hard enamel. She was also on TPN (her IV nutrition) for so long, it may have weakened them too. Despite these factors, her teeth looked pretty good. They are yellow and have some tarter build up, but this is to be expected. Good, strong enamel covers the layer under it, which is yellow, and makes our teeth look white. They have also noticed that kids who are G-tube fed, tend to have more tarter build up. So, we have to make sure and give her extra flouride to help combat cavities, which she may be more prone to.
When looking through the last couple of month's pictures, I was amazed at how many changes have been made in such a short wonder I'm busier than ever now!
Summer LOVED the fire truck!
A trip to the zoo on a day out of school. Summer and I were lagging behind and were rewarded with a walrus feeding :)
Summer's legs and foot muscles have always been very tight. Being a preemie, she is in danger of getting something called constrictures in her legs, hips and feet if the muscles are not stretched out, kept limber and used. She has been receiving therapy to help with this, but she is still so tight, it is keeping her from sitting, crawling, and walking. The therapists still feel like she will probably be able to walk someday, but her future is still uncertain. In order to give her the best chance possible, the early intervention in very important. In January, she got fitted for leg braces and foot splints. She has to wear the leg braces for 3-4 hours per day and the foot splints every day, all day. She even has shoes that fit over them so if/when she starts trying to walk, she will be used to the feel and weight.
Every new challenge brings another smile to her face. :)
Little Tom was trying to get her stand...she wasn't going for it. When she cries now, she starts crying, clasps her hand over her mouth, and in a very pathetic voice, says "SAD".
She has been wearing the splints for about a month now and we have already noticed a HUGE difference in her legs and feet :)
She's getting the little stuffed monkey ready for the
"Monkeys jumping on the bed" song...her favorite :)
She is doing fantastic!