After attending Jordan World Circus, thanks to the Starlight Children's Foundation, @ the Puyallup Fairgrounds...Summer LOVED the ponies, elephants, and especially the high flying acrobatic Ariel princesses (her favorite...she kept saying "printhess, ahh, ahh, ahh (like Ariel's singing) 3-12-2011

Friday, September 4, 2009

A busy summer for Summer

Now that Summer is f airly healthy most of the time, she has been able to join us in normal family activities :) Last year we spent all our time at the hospital, so I decided to make up for it and drag my kids every where I possibly could :) In fact, there was a time when the boys begged me to let them stay home on the couch, haha...they are glad school has started! Life is starting to feel very "normal" again! Right after school was out in June, my sister and I took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge, an indoor water park. Though Summer isn't water proof, she still seemed to enjoy hanging out with Aunt Debbie and even dipped her toes in the pool.

July was very busy. My good friend, Melanie, got married on the 4th...Summer came along as my photo shooting buddy :) The 14th was her birthday...she got to eat cake for the first time. My oldest sister and her family came in to town and met her for the first time...we went to the beach and Woodland Park Zoo with them. The 18-22nd we went to Ensign Ranch with Tom's family, and stayed in the lodge there. We also went to Point Defiance Zoo and she got to spend a couple of days home alone with Daddy while mom and the other kids went camping.

Summer went with me and little Tom to Scout day camp

My friend, Lynette, and Micaela (below), holding Summer at her birthday party in the park
My nephew Michael holding Summer at the beach

Summer was all tuckered out at the zoo...she loves to sleep like this with little Tom

Summer and Aunt Kathy at the zoo

Cute baby in the stroller :)
Hanging out with Grandma Cameron while we all played on the waterslide at Ensign Ranch
My hubby thinks it's funny to put Summer in strange places....she seemed to think the sink was pretty funny too :)
Brianna and Summer watching the horses in the pasture in front of our lodge at Ensign Ranch
Grandma Cameron with Brianna, Summer, and Emily

Summer likes the fish at the zoo

We had a lot of HOT days/nights in reached 100 degrees! Summer and I would stay up until the house cooled down a little to shut the windows before bed...she usually sacked out on the cute

Cute sleepy baby

Gotta love the 1 year old chub :)

Every baby has to have a picture like this!

The shark tank at Pt. Defiance...the kids layed and watched them swim for about an hour...Summer joined right in

Emily and Summer with a sleepy shark

Brianna and Summer at the zoo

August was filled with trips to the zoo, Northwest Trek, a visit from cousin, Stephen, and a couple of trips to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. I took a quick over night girls' trip to Leavenworth and Summer got to come along. We ended the summer on a family trip to Zion's camp in Belfair, WA. Fortunately, due to Summer's medical needs, we rented a cabin. We all got sick and were glad to be indoors!
Morgan took this picture of Andrew, Summer and me on a beach in Seattle

Grandpa Norris and Summer on the tram at NW Trek

She may not be able to drink juice, but Summer sure liked "eating" the box

Little Tom and Summer with some huge turtles at the Reptile Zoo in Monroe

Summer and the Space Needle from inside the Science Center

Stroller baby...little Tom took this pic :)

Morgan loves swinging Summer...this is at a park in our neighborhood...Summer loves it too!

Sleepy pirate loves her sealife....Inky the octopus was given to her by her doc at Children's....she loves chewing on all 8 legs! :) It's now official...all my kids love seafood despite my feelings about it :)

Summer is modeling the circlet I bought for Morgan in Leavenworth

Cutie at 13 months old
Summer and I in Leavenworth, WA

Summer is happy even when she is sick!
She's sitting on Daddy's lap on the beach at Zion's camp
Summer chews on everything....I handed her a baby carrot and she went to town on it for a long time. She usually prefers fingers though....she will grab your finger and scrape it back and forth on her two tiny, sharp teeth...ouch!

Summer loves her Daddy...she has a special whine for him to pick her up...she even says Dadda

Going for a ride at Zion's camp

Summer is now trying to kick a mild case of pneumonia, which we caught very early, thankfully! She is no worse for wear....still smiling and giggling through it all :) Since we have been fighting a couple of ear infections and pneumonia, we have spent quite a bit of time at the pediatrician's office...Summer now weighs in at 19 pounds, 4 ounces and is getting taller all the time. Her food had been turned up at the last Childrens' clinic visit and she has been gaining weight again nicely. When we went in last, she had only gained .06 grams, but had grown 2 cm's...they are still very pleased with her overall progress :)

The OT/PT still comes to our house every 2 weeks to work with Summer... she is still making small, but mighty steps in her development! Summer now rolls over (sometimes) and is getting stronger back/torso muscles. She also pushes herself up on her elbows and hands while on her tummy.

It is strange to have a 14 month old baby who still does "little baby" things, but it is also very fun too...she is still so cuddly...can't get enough of that! Summer is doing so well now that she only has to go to clinic once every 4 update will be in 2 weeks :) We do have another appt. next Tues. the 8th, with the pediatrician to check her seems like she is kicking the pnemonia fairly quickly :)

I will have more time to blog now that we are back in school...hopefully I won't have to play catchup quite so much!

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