After attending Jordan World Circus, thanks to the Starlight Children's Foundation, @ the Puyallup Fairgrounds...Summer LOVED the ponies, elephants, and especially the high flying acrobatic Ariel princesses (her favorite...she kept saying "printhess, ahh, ahh, ahh (like Ariel's singing) 3-12-2011

Monday, May 25, 2009


We got home from a family party tonight and Morgan wanted to hold Summer. Summer had been a little grumpy today and was happy to be home away from so many loud cousins! They sat in the chair and Morgan played Peek-a-boo...Summer thought it was hilarious :)
Baby giggles are the best!


  1. What a great giggle! Sam came running over to the computer when I stared playing the clip and we have watched it a dozen times... He thinks he is playing peek-a-boo with your girls!

  2. that is so cute !!!i cant wait till i see her again! from brianna
