After attending Jordan World Circus, thanks to the Starlight Children's Foundation, @ the Puyallup Fairgrounds...Summer LOVED the ponies, elephants, and especially the high flying acrobatic Ariel princesses (her favorite...she kept saying "printhess, ahh, ahh, ahh (like Ariel's singing) 3-12-2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

A video worth sharing

When I first found out we were expecting twins with complications, I was directed to a the Fetal Hope organization that helps families who experience Fetal syndromes like Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome. From there, I found many Youtube videos and blogs detailing others' experiences. These were both helpful, theraputic, and at times, heartwarming. Though our story has not turned out to be one that lacks sadness or tragedy, I still feel it is worth sharing. It is our story....the story of how we were blessed with two beautiful little daughters. We continue to see little miracles with Summer and are thankful for her everyday! Yes, even when it is hard...she has made our family better for it :)

Here's my video...